Children's Mental Health Services - The KIND Center
The Kings County Mental Health Plan (MHP) provides outpatient mental health services including individual, collateral and group therapy, case management, and crisis intervention. Medi-Cal beneficiaries and uninsured children and youth who present with moderate to severe needs up to age 21 and their families are served. Those children and youth who present with mild needs are referred to their health plans. Insured persons are referred to their own providers.
MHS Referral - English | Spanish
MHS Flyer - English | Spanish
Email MHS referrals to
Intake Packet - Click Here
Clinic: MHS KIND Center (Mental Health Systems' Kids In New Directions Center)
Hours: 8AM to 5PM
Address: 1222 W. Lacey Blvd, Bldg 13, Hanford, CA 93230
Phone Number: 559-235-9239
Fax Number: 559-705-1861
Program Manager: Tracey Casillas
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Emergency and Crisis Services for Children and Youth
According to Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations, an "Emergency Psychiatric Condition" is defined as a condition in which a person, due to a mental disorder, is a current danger to self or others or is immediately unable to provide for or utilize food, shelter or clothing. This situation indicates an immediate need for psychiatric inpatient hospitalization or psychiatric health facility assessment.
Crisis children's services are available at the Access and Crisis Line at 1-559-582-4498 or 1-800-655-2553
Clinic: Kings View Counseling Services
Hours: 8AM to 5PM
Address: 1393 Bailey Dr. Hanford, CA 93230
Phone Number: 559-582-4481
Program Manager: TBA
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Crisis children's services are available at the Access and Crisis Line at 1-559-582-4498 or 1-800-655-2553
Clinic: Kings View Counseling Services
Hours: 8AM to 5PM
Address: 1393 Bailey Dr. Hanford, CA 93230
Phone Number: 559-582-4481
Program Manager: TBA
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Family Urgent Response System (FURS)
FURS includes a 24/7 Statewide Hotline and a 24/7 County-based Mobile Response and Stabilization Team. FURS will provide current and former foster youth (up to age 21) and their caregivers with immediate, trauma-informed support by caring and trained professionals when they need it.
FURS is intended to:
FURS Program Youth Brochure – English | Spanish
FURS Program Adult Brochure – English | Spanish
FURS is intended to:
- Prevent placement disruptions and preserve the relationship between the child or youth and their caregiver.
- Reduce the need for a 911 call or law enforcement involvement and the needless criminalization of traumatized youth.
- Reduce hospitalization and placement into congregate care.
- Promote healing as a family.
- Provide a safe and judgement-free space for youth and caregivers.
FURS Program Youth Brochure – English | Spanish
FURS Program Adult Brochure – English | Spanish
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
TBS is an intensive, one-to-one, face-to-face, short-term outpatient treatment intervention for beneficiaries under the age of 21 with serious emotional disturbance (SED) who are experiencing a stressful transition or life crisis and need additional, short-term, specific support services. These services shall be available to beneficiaries with difficult behaviors who require one-on-one assistance and who may be at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. TBS is not a “stand alone” service, and is intended to supplement other specialty mental health services by addressing one to three behaviors that jeopardize the beneficiary’s ability to remain in his or her current home.
TBS is available to children/youth who meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Experiencing difficult behaviors which may jeopardize their placement;
2. Currently living in a group home or short-term residential therapeutic program (STRTP);
3. At risk of psychiatric hospitalization, or have been psychiatrically hospitalized within the last 24 months;
4. Transitioning to a lower level placement; and
5. Previously received TBS services.
TBS Prior Authorization Request & Referral (form serves as both prior authorization request and referral form):
TBS Referral Form – Click Here
TBS Program Brochure – English | Spanish
Email TBS referrals to [email protected] or Fax to 559-589-6928
Contracted Provider: JDT Consultants, Inc.
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
TBS is available to children/youth who meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Experiencing difficult behaviors which may jeopardize their placement;
2. Currently living in a group home or short-term residential therapeutic program (STRTP);
3. At risk of psychiatric hospitalization, or have been psychiatrically hospitalized within the last 24 months;
4. Transitioning to a lower level placement; and
5. Previously received TBS services.
TBS Prior Authorization Request & Referral (form serves as both prior authorization request and referral form):
TBS Referral Form – Click Here
TBS Program Brochure – English | Spanish
Email TBS referrals to [email protected] or Fax to 559-589-6928
Contracted Provider: JDT Consultants, Inc.
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Intensive Home Based Services (IHBS)
Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS) are individualized, strength-based interventions designed to ameliorate mental health conditions that interfere with a beneficiary’s functioning and are aimed at helping the beneficiary build skills necessary for successful functioning in the home and community and improving the beneficiary’s family ability to help the beneficiary successfully function in the home and community.
IHBS support the engagement and participation of the beneficiary and his/her significant support persons and to help the beneficiary develop skills and achieve the goals and objectives of the treatment and the Child/Family Treatment (CFT) plan.
IHBS Referral Form – Click Here
Email IHBS referrals to [email protected] or Fax to 559-589-6928
Contracted Provider: JDT Consultants, Inc.
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Full Service Partnership (FSP)
Full Service Partnership Program is a higher level of outpatient mental health services offering comprehensive and intensive services that incorporate a team approach to meeting the youth/child and family’s behavioral health needs. FSP services are youth/child-guided and family driven, especially designed for youths/children who are experiencing physical, social, behavioral and emotional distress and in need of mental health services.
FSP services are intended to meet all of the family’s needs in a balanced manner, where the family’s needs are (i.e., at home, at work, at school, in the community, and at the contractor’s office), when the family experiences their needs, at the convenience of the family, with the discharge goal of promoting independence from public assistance and interdependence on natural family and community resources.
FSP Referral Form - Click Here2024_fsp_referral_form.pdf
Required Consent Forms - Outpatient Treatment | Release Information
Email FSP referrals to [email protected] or Fax to 559-589-6928
Clinic: Aspiranet
Hours: 8AM to 5PM
Address: 530 Kings County Dr., Ste. 104/106 Hanford, CA 93230
Phone Number: (559)754-3128
Program Manager: Christee Rivas
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
Young Minds
School-Based and Community Based Prevention Services
The Young Minds Kings County program fosters mental wellness and resiliency among youth in grades K-12 through the implementation of evidence-based or promising practice approaches designed to increase protective factors and reduce risk factors among youth. The program hopes to achieve the following goals: 1) Reduce stress and anxiety among students, 2) Decrease risk for school failure, and 3) Increase emotional self-regulation skills. Students and families will build confidence through tailored opportunities in safe and supportive environments designed to provide children and youth with skills and tools to improve school performance, promote healthy interpersonal relationships, support overall communication, and improve overall mental health wellness.
Utilizing a trauma-informed approach, program efforts will focus on enhancing resilience and buffering toxic stress through student and adult-targeted activities. The Young Minds program will deliver education and practical applications designed to be developmentally appropriate for the ages and stages of the individuals served with a skill-building focus. To promote sustainability, the program includes education to parents and school staff to engage them in supporting the efforts to interrupt toxic stress and promote protective factors among youth.
Evidence-Based practices/promising approaches
A growing body of research in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress demonstrates that significant adversity experienced during critical periods in development can have a cumulative and harmful effect on the overall health of an individual throughout their lifetime. Early intervention efforts are key to reducing, preventing, and healing the harmful effects of these common and pervasive experiences. The programs and services offered through this project are rooted in the science of healthy emotional development and resilience. Activities include:
- Mindful Classrooms
- Mindfulness and Resiliency Assemblies
- Pro-Social Skill Groups – Elementary
- Coping, social support and life skill groups (Middle school and High School)
The Why Try curriculum is an evidence-based curriculum designed to support life skills and increase social and emotional learning. The curriculum has evidence towards improving locus of control, improving attendance, and academic performance.
- Trauma-Informed School Workshops
- Parent Engagement and Family Strengthening
Additionally, this project will implement one annual family engagement activity in at least three (3) communities each year. Activities will be hosted at schools, local parks or involve field trips to outdoor spaces throughout California to encourage family and community cohesion, support access to buffering supports (physical activity, balanced nutrition, mindfulness and/or supportive relationships). All activities will be enhanced by establishing opportunities for participants to build community relationships with one another.
Flyer - Click Here
Parent(s) Flyer - English | Spanish
Menu Options for Schools - Click Here
Contracted Provider: California Health Collaborative
Contracted Contact: Daisy Lopez, Senior Director of Program Services
Phone Number: 559-244-4526
Email: [email protected]
County Program Monitor: Stephanie Bealer
The material provided on this page is for reference only. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1. If you need support or are actively seeking services, please call the Access and Crisis Line at 1-800-655-2553 and an experienced counselor will provide you with a referral to meet your needs and help determine eligibility.