Kings County Coroner notifies the department of a suicide that took place within Kings County and provides contact information for the survivors to the clinical adult program manager. A staff member assigned from the LOSS team will contact the survivors and meet in person, if requested, to offer comfort and resources that are available to them. They will also provide information on our survivor counseling services provided here at the department (HEAL). Eligibility for this program is simple: if you have lost someone to suicide, are deeply impacted by that loss, and are willing to participate in 6 to 8 one-hour sessions of grief and bereavement counseling, then you are eligible.If you live or work Kings County, you will be referred to a participating clinician at no charge to you. There are no share-of-cost, out-of-pocket expenses, co-pays, or other forms of insurance involved. This is fully funded by using funds from Proposition 63: Mental Health Services Act. This service is not time limited, meaning if the person is not interested in services right away, they can contact the department at a later date for requesting the therapy sessions. If you or someone you know has experienced a suicide loss and would like to receive a voucher for grief and bereavement services, please contact us at (559) 852-2444. |